Thank you all for joining me on this blog hop. I hope you enjoy meeting new authors or getting to know some of your favorites a little better.
Meet Kasey Dean
This is me, Kasey Dean. Why you may ask is half my face covered? Well because I, like many other authors use a pen-name, when writing. Kasey just kind of appeared in my head one day and decided she wanted to be heard. I like to call her my evil twin sometimes but in truth the 'real' me is just a twisted as Kasey is.
I was born and raised in Northern New York (about 30 minutes from Canada). I have been married for a little over twelve years and have four amazing children (one stepson, two sons, and the baby at seven years old is a girl). I keep telling her she's going to be very well protected as she grows up.
I work a very stressful job twelve hours a day. Between work, kids, pets, being and EMT, and recently a Thirty-One consultant, and a million other things I find myself doing there aren't many hours left in the day but I had so many stories in my head that needed to be told I decided to become and author. It started out just a joke and I never really planned to submit the first book I wrote but the more and more I read and thought about it I thought maybe, just maybe someone would like and want to read my books. The day I received the acceptance letter from Siren Publishing I cried and couldn't believe they actually liked it and wanted to publish it. The journey since then has been so rewarding and enlightening. I have made many new friends that I can "be myself" with. I have even met other authors who's book I have read and were the motivation behind me beginning to write. They have all been welcoming and have become my writing "family".
Basic favorites about me:
Food - Pizza
Color - Pink (for breast cancer awareness)
Book genre - Romance/Erotica of course
Season - Summer
Movie - Pretty Woman
Actor - Vin Diesel
Actress - Michelle Rodriquez
Code word - Spaghetti
(Yes I LOVE Fast and Furious. Whoever decided to put the two of them together in a movie is a genius.)
Interview with Adrian Hektor-Drakon
Or at least my idea of what he looks like. This is actually fitness expert Jessie Pavelka.
No Escape from Destiny (Destinies Book 1)
Me: Easy questions first.
Food: Burritos
Color: Black
Season: Winter (So I have a reason to snuggle up with my mates)
Movie: Finding Nemo (Don't judge, just go with it)
Actor: Samuel L Jackson
Actress: Milla Jovovich
Book: Goodnight moon
Me: So Adrian what have you been up to since your book was released?
Adrian: Basically trying to help Anstice take care of Kassie who's almost nine now and Kairos and Kyrie who just turned two. I'm not sure how that woman takes care of them all day, every day but I'm glad she does. She's a great mom and I couldn't ask for a better mate. Oh and Nikkos helps sometimes too.
Me: Speaking of Nikkos, how does it feel after all these years knowing that he had felt the same way about you as you felt about him but was afraid to admit it?
Adrian: I just wish I had known for sure. There were small things he did in the past that made me think maybe he felt the same for me but I was too afraid of losing him as a friend to push him into anything. I do have to admit, I'm kinda glad I didn't push. If I had then I'm not sure if we would have found Anstice. As corny as it sounds, she competes us and I couldn't imagine not having her in our lives.
Me: What are you plans for the future?
Adrian: For now we're just living day to day and enjoying life. We have a few more vacation that we want to go on but with the missing vampire and not knowing who is responsible we can't risk taking the family anywhere right now. Hopefully we will have answers soon and be able to relax and just enjoy each other again.
Me: Do you have any advice or words of wisdom for readers?
Adrian: Just live for the day. Live to be happy. Don't try to force anything. Happiness will come to you when it is meant to. As Anstice's tattoo says τὸ πεπρωμένον φυγεῖν ἀδύνατον. It's impossible to escape from what is destined. While I believe that every choice you make affects yours or someone else's destiny, it's impossible to escape from the choices you make and the results of those choices.
Me: Thank you Adrian.
Adrian: Wait I have a question for you.
Me: Okay .Shoot.
Adrian: Are you going to write more books in the Destinies Series?
Me: Yes I am. I have started Lucian's story but I have to finish the second book of my Alpha Mates series first.
Adrian: But you started with us. You should get to work on Lucian's story. Oh and you're going to be nice right? Your not going to make him suffer like you did Damian right?
Me: Because the Skye from the Alpha Mate Series needs his story told too. But don't worry it's almost finished. And you know I can't promise to be nice to Lucian but I can promise he WILL have a HEA by the time I'm done. I think you will be very surprised at what his story has in story for him and your family. I can't say anything more but it sure will be interesting.
Adrian (rolls eyes): Interesting? Great that's what you said about Damian's story. I better get going and warn the family that you're about to turn our world upside down again.
Me: I'll try to be a nice as I can, but what fun will live be without a little drama?! (LOL)
I hope you enjoyed meeting Adrian and myself. He and I would both love to answer any questions you have for us.
Now to the extra fun part of the hop for you, the reader.
There will be two giveaways on my site.
First will be an e-copy of both No Escape from Destiny (Adrian's book)

Books one and two of the Destinies Series.
Leave me or Adrian a question. We'll answer it and you will be entered into the drawing.
Second is the Grand Prize
A $50 Amazon gift card.
Somewhere in everyone blog posts there is a code word. Visit each blog and find the code word for extra chances at the Grand Prize.
Somewhere in everyone blog posts there is a code word. Visit each blog and find the code word for extra chances at the Grand Prize.
Don't forget to visit all the authors on the hop.
Do you ever sleep??? Sheesh and I thought I was busy!!
ReplyDeleteChris NoOnw
I do sleep. I actually set this post to autopost at 1201am, woke up just before 1am and HAD to check it. Guess what?? It didn't post. I panicked. Why I don't know. I'm sure no one was waiting up just to read my post but I had to fix it, of course. Now I'm checking every other authors post while I sit at camp (with my mifi) cooking breakfast for the kids. I THINK I'm on vacation but I'm not sure. Thanks for checking out the hop.
DeleteWow these sound many will there be to the series or do you know yet
ReplyDeleteRight now I see at least five but as I add more secondary characters they all decide they want their own books so there will probably be more than that.
DeleteThanks for joining the hop.
Do you see yourself cutting back the hours you work as an EMT?
ReplyDeleteActually me real EDJ is a 911 dispatcher. The EMT is at a volunteer organization.
DeleteSeeing that I have four kids to put through college I will have to work full time until I can make as much writing or I hit my 25 year retirement mark. I'm actually thinking of working another job but I'm not sure if that will work unless I figure out a way to put more hours in the day.
I would LOVE to be able to quit the EDJ and just write all day but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Thank you for joining us.
Adrian, what do you think of the various GOODNIGHT MOON parodies (GOODNIGHT iPAD and so forth)?
Adrian: I prefer the original paper book. Unfortunately if I try to use the iPad to read to any of the kids they decide it will be more fun to play Angry Birds or Candy Crush Saga instead of reading and I NEVER get them to go to bed. Then Anstice comes in and I get in trouble (I REALLY don't like being in trouble with her).
DeleteThanks for joining the hop.
Kasey, you've got some fantastic book covers! Thanks for including my blog on the Rafflecopter!
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining me Gemma. I hope you had fun in your interview and reading all the other authors posts.
DeleteKasey, I loved learning a bit more about you :-)
ReplyDeleteThank Doris. I loved getting to know the other authors too. I hope you are having fun.
DeleteThanks for hosting this blog hop. It was great fun to put together my post and it's great to know so many other authors! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jessica I'm glad everyone is having fun.
DeleteKasey: What other genres do you write or would like to write??
ReplyDeletecaiidynsmommie at gmail dot com
Chynarey, I only write erotica. So far I have the two vampire books and a shifter book published. I am working on more from both series' as well as a BDSM stand alone book and a BDSM series.
DeleteI think I'll stick with erotica but vary the types between paranormal and BDSM. They will definitely ALL be menage though.
Thanks for joining us.
What is your favorite food???
ReplyDeleteNikki, Mine is pizza. I could probable eat pizza every day of the week and not get sick of it. Which is a good thing because it's my daughter's favorite too. That's all she ever says when I ask her what she wants to eat.
DeleteAdrian: Mine is is burritos.
Me: Yeah right, I would say his favorite is anything edible. You should see that boy eat. OMG!! I'm glad I don't have to cook for him every night. Or buy groceries for that household. With so many adult, muscular, hot, sexy, droolworthy, lickable....
Adrian: Pay attention woman!! We're talking about favorite foods here not which one of you would jump if given the chance.
Me: *blushes* Hmmm Jump one of you...Is that an option?
Adrian: *smirks* Only the ones of us that aren't mated.
Me: *pouts* Damn you vampire, you're ALL mated in that house.
Sorry Nikki we got off on a little tangent there. Pizza and Burritos. That's the answer to your question. Now I'm going to go create a new character that isn't mated to drool over.
Have you written a book you love that you have not been able to get published?
ReplyDeleteNikki, No I have only finished the three so far. I have been very lucky. Siren Publishing has accepted all of them for publication. I am working on many more and hope that Siren will be willing to publish them also.
DeleteIf you could be a character in any author's book, which book would it be, who is the character, and why?
ReplyDeleteThat's a tough one. I was actually not much of a reader until a few years ago and I only read romance/erotica now so there are so many characters I would love to be.
DeleteIf I had to pick just one it would probably be Nevvie Barton from Tymber Dalton's Love Slave for Two series. While she has been through so much in her life and suffered, she has not one but two men that made her love her and would do anything for her. To have that kind of love would be everything.
Questions for Adrian... why is Goodnight Moon your favourite book (very sweet by the way) :)
ReplyDeleteDee (
Adrian: I don't really have a lot of spare time to read and while of course HAD to read Kasey's books (to make sure she told our story right) I don't really read.
DeleteThe only time I make time is when it's bedtime. Kassie and I go into Kairos and Kyrie's room and read to them. Even though she's growing up and says she too old for bedtime stories now she still goes with me and sometimes she reads the story to them. It was the first book she learned to read all by herself and it will always be special to me.
I think we have about ten copies of it around the house somewhere. The twins are even trying to read pages from it.
My question is for ALL the authors! What would you be doing if you weren't writing to keep your creative mind/voices quiet?
ReplyDeletebooks4me67 at ymail dot com
Great question, books4me67! I'd be playing my cello more often. :)
DeleteI can't imagine not being able to write. I'm surely not an artist, can play and instrument, and while I know all the words to a lot of songs, if I had to sing for my paycheck my family would be homeless in a week.
DeleteSo if I couldn't write my brain would be filled with so many voices I may not be able to concentrate. I would probably have very vivid dreams each night. And I might even end up in a padded room, just me and my voices to keep me company.
Thank you for joining us and for you question. I forwarded it to the rest of the authors.
This is a great question! For me, I love being on stage, so I would absolutely be more active in my local theatre community. I haven't had time to participate in it for the last couple of years, but I miss it! Thank you for visiting the blog hop!~Lori King
DeleteWow, hard question. If I couldn't write, I would probably drive myself insane listening to all the conversations in my head. Eventually I would begin participating on various topics until they locked me up with Kasey ;)
DeleteUnfortunately my other talents lie with accounting, and that profession doesn't allow any room for being creative. I, for one, will always be grateful for my pen and notebook.
Thanks for asking!
I'd knit more...which means that writing saves me money because I don't yarn shop as much. lol Aside from that, I'd probably work towards my Master of Wine certification. It's takes a few years and a lot of exams.
DeleteI would learn to draw and paint. I often think that writing a book is like painting a picture, layering on different elements such as backgrounds, light and shadow, people...doing so could easily tell a story moment frozen in time.
DeleteOh boy. Good question. I'd probably spend a lot of time lost in my own head, daydreaming. I like crafting, quilting, etc., but even while doing those kinds of things, my head is often somewhere else. I can't control it. I'd spend a lot more time reading and visiting other authors' worlds. It's the one thing I miss now that I'm spending so much time putting my daydreams into words.
DeleteI can't even imagine not writing - I've been doing it since before Kindergarten. I wrote my first story in crayon on the walls of my bedroom because my parents wouldn't buy me paper and pencil. Writing is my passion - it's my heart and it's in my blood. The only other thing that even comes close is photography.
Deletewhen I need to do something without stressing my brain too much I do a lot of cooking and D.I.Y. stuff around the house. If I were unable to write for an extended period of time I would go stir crazy pretty quickly! a lot of the members of my family have been creative types. My mother is musical and draws and paints, my grandfather was an artist, and his mother was an actress and singer (stage and film, back in the 20's and 30's). I would probably attempt to follow in her footsteps if my writing was no longer an option.
ReplyDeleteApologies for the 'anonymous' response, for some reason the site will not allow me to post under my own name.
Violet Joicey-Cowen
Which do you prefer sweet or salty??
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I'll have you know that my mind went straight to the gutter on this question.
DeleteAdrian: *rolls eyes and swats Kasey on the back of the head* Woman do you ever think of anything but sex?
Me: Nope, but think of it this way. If my mind wasn't constantly thinking about all the positions and combination of people having sex you never would have found your mates.
Adrian: I guess you're right go ahead and answer the question. But Michelle, I'll warn you she can pervert ANYTHING!!
Me: *feigns insult* Vampire, I have NO idea what you're talking about. Michelle, I prefer SWEET. Especially chocolate. Of course if melted chocolate is involve on a certain persons body, the idea of a sweet AND salty treat is orga...
Adrian: *covers Kasey's mouth* HUMAN! Control yourself. My apologies Michelle. Her answer is sweet and lets leave it at that shall we.
Thank you for joining the blog hop.
This series sounds terrific! Who are some of your favorite writers?
My favorites writers are Tymber Dalton, Lynn Hagan, Alex Carreras, Kallypso Masters, Cherise Sinclair and JR Ward. There are many more that it is way to early in the morning to think about right now.
DeleteYes I know ALL romance/erotica authors. I just can't help myself.
Thank you for joining us.
My question is for Adrian. What's your favorite thing about both Nikkos and Anstice?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, Kasey!
caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com
My favorite thing about Anstice is her ability to overcome anything. She has been through hell in her life and still had to ability to love not only one person but both Nikkos AND myself.
DeleteNikkos is a strong warrior and leader of our people (even though he doesn't see it that way) but behind closed doors and when spending time with his family the walls come down and he's just Nikkos, husband, father, brother, and friend. Having the power he does has not gone to his head.
Thank you.
My question for both you and Adrian, What type of music do you like to listen to? Do you have a playlist for your books Kacey?
ReplyDeleteRafflecopter Name Dawna Newman
Adrian: I'm more into metal, punk and hard rock. There is an awesome band from Northern New York called Blind Idiots that I just saw recently and they were amazing. If you want to check them out here is their facebook page
DeleteKasey: I like just about everything. I saw a post once that said "My music collection goes from 'Oh my god you have to listen to this' to 'please don't judge me'. That pretty much sums it up. I don't really have a set playlist for writing. I just always have something playing while I write. It blocks out all the background and allow the voices in my head to be heard loud and clear.
I was the Emergency Communication Supervisor at the Fire Department on an Air Force Base for three years. I definitely "feel" your hectic job as a 911 dispatcher! I will say we had way more "in flight emergencies" than true 911 calls, but wow...I had no idea until I became a dispatcher and then the supervisor! Can't wait for more of your books! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Tammy, I'm glad you joined the hop. I hope you had fun meeting and getting to know all the authors and characters.
DeleteDo you think you will stop working and just write if not why?
ReplyDeleteI would love to quit my job and just write but right now that's not a possibility. While my job is hectic, I do love what I do and the money is great. With four kids to put through college there is no way that I could quit right now. In a few years when I have many more books published it might be a plan but for now unfortunately it isn't in the cards.
DeleteThanks for joining the hop.
Where would you love to go for a writer's retreat?
ReplyDeletesmurfettev AT gmail DOT com
Hmmm that's a good question. There is a cabin called Hemlock Bluff Cabin ( ) that was my inspiration for the log cabin that my shifters from my Alpha Mates series live in. While my shifters live in Montana the REAL cabin is in Tennessee.
DeleteIt is one of my dreams to go there and just relax and write for about a week.
Thank you for joining in on the fun.
Kasey, we can see that you are extremely busy, when and how do you write?
ReplyDeleteTo be more specific, do you have a set time that is just for writing or do write as the idea/storyline drives you?
Are you a structured you outline, start at the beginning of a story or work from an ending?
I try to write everyday but sometimes it just isn't possible. After working 12 hour days I usually have to come home and get dinner, kids ready for bed, and things ready for the next day.
DeleteI usually write when they kids are either sleeping or in school. Summers are hard for me when they are home because I get in my 'space' but they won't let me be alone for too long. Thankfully school starts again here next week so I will have plenty of time to write (I hope).
Not very much structure here. If an idea come to me and I don't have time to write I will enter it into my OneNote app on my phone or iPad so it's there later when I have time. Some of my stories I know how they are going to end but sometimes they completely derail and go in an opposite directions. I just let the stories tell me how they are supposed to be written. It seems to have worked for me so far. We'll see what the future holds.
Thank you. I hope you had fun on the hop.