Thank you all for joining me on this blog hop. I hope you enjoy meeting new authors or getting to know some of your favorites a little better.
Meet Kasey Dean
This is me, Kasey Dean. Why you may ask is half my face covered? Well because I, like many other authors use a pen-name, when writing. Kasey just kind of appeared in my head one day and decided she wanted to be heard. I like to call her my evil twin sometimes but in truth the 'real' me is just a twisted as Kasey is.
I was born and raised in Northern New York (about 30 minutes from Canada). I have been married for a little over twelve years and have four amazing children (one stepson, two sons, and the baby at seven years old is a girl). I keep telling her she's going to be very well protected as she grows up.
I work a very stressful job twelve hours a day. Between work, kids, pets, being and EMT, and recently a Thirty-One consultant, and a million other things I find myself doing there aren't many hours left in the day but I had so many stories in my head that needed to be told I decided to become and author. It started out just a joke and I never really planned to submit the first book I wrote but the more and more I read and thought about it I thought maybe, just maybe someone would like and want to read my books. The day I received the acceptance letter from Siren Publishing I cried and couldn't believe they actually liked it and wanted to publish it. The journey since then has been so rewarding and enlightening. I have made many new friends that I can "be myself" with. I have even met other authors who's book I have read and were the motivation behind me beginning to write. They have all been welcoming and have become my writing "family".
Basic favorites about me:
Food - Pizza
Color - Pink (for breast cancer awareness)
Book genre - Romance/Erotica of course
Season - Summer
Movie - Pretty Woman
Actor - Vin Diesel
Actress - Michelle Rodriquez
Code word - Spaghetti
(Yes I LOVE Fast and Furious. Whoever decided to put the two of them together in a movie is a genius.)
Interview with Adrian Hektor-Drakon
Or at least my idea of what he looks like. This is actually fitness expert Jessie Pavelka.
No Escape from Destiny (Destinies Book 1)
Me: Easy questions first.
Food: Burritos
Color: Black
Season: Winter (So I have a reason to snuggle up with my mates)
Movie: Finding Nemo (Don't judge, just go with it)
Actor: Samuel L Jackson
Actress: Milla Jovovich
Book: Goodnight moon
Me: So Adrian what have you been up to since your book was released?
Adrian: Basically trying to help Anstice take care of Kassie who's almost nine now and Kairos and Kyrie who just turned two. I'm not sure how that woman takes care of them all day, every day but I'm glad she does. She's a great mom and I couldn't ask for a better mate. Oh and Nikkos helps sometimes too.
Me: Speaking of Nikkos, how does it feel after all these years knowing that he had felt the same way about you as you felt about him but was afraid to admit it?
Adrian: I just wish I had known for sure. There were small things he did in the past that made me think maybe he felt the same for me but I was too afraid of losing him as a friend to push him into anything. I do have to admit, I'm kinda glad I didn't push. If I had then I'm not sure if we would have found Anstice. As corny as it sounds, she competes us and I couldn't imagine not having her in our lives.
Me: What are you plans for the future?
Adrian: For now we're just living day to day and enjoying life. We have a few more vacation that we want to go on but with the missing vampire and not knowing who is responsible we can't risk taking the family anywhere right now. Hopefully we will have answers soon and be able to relax and just enjoy each other again.
Me: Do you have any advice or words of wisdom for readers?
Adrian: Just live for the day. Live to be happy. Don't try to force anything. Happiness will come to you when it is meant to. As Anstice's tattoo says τὸ πεπρωμένον φυγεῖν ἀδύνατον. It's impossible to escape from what is destined. While I believe that every choice you make affects yours or someone else's destiny, it's impossible to escape from the choices you make and the results of those choices.
Me: Thank you Adrian.
Adrian: Wait I have a question for you.
Me: Okay .Shoot.
Adrian: Are you going to write more books in the Destinies Series?
Me: Yes I am. I have started Lucian's story but I have to finish the second book of my Alpha Mates series first.
Adrian: But you started with us. You should get to work on Lucian's story. Oh and you're going to be nice right? Your not going to make him suffer like you did Damian right?
Me: Because the Skye from the Alpha Mate Series needs his story told too. But don't worry it's almost finished. And you know I can't promise to be nice to Lucian but I can promise he WILL have a HEA by the time I'm done. I think you will be very surprised at what his story has in story for him and your family. I can't say anything more but it sure will be interesting.
Adrian (rolls eyes): Interesting? Great that's what you said about Damian's story. I better get going and warn the family that you're about to turn our world upside down again.
Me: I'll try to be a nice as I can, but what fun will live be without a little drama?! (LOL)
I hope you enjoyed meeting Adrian and myself. He and I would both love to answer any questions you have for us.
Now to the extra fun part of the hop for you, the reader.
There will be two giveaways on my site.
First will be an e-copy of both No Escape from Destiny (Adrian's book)

Books one and two of the Destinies Series.
Leave me or Adrian a question. We'll answer it and you will be entered into the drawing.
Second is the Grand Prize
A $50 Amazon gift card.
Somewhere in everyone blog posts there is a code word. Visit each blog and find the code word for extra chances at the Grand Prize.
Somewhere in everyone blog posts there is a code word. Visit each blog and find the code word for extra chances at the Grand Prize.
Don't forget to visit all the authors on the hop.