Monday, July 1, 2013

The Journey is over, Destiny is here.

Finally Destiny's Journey is set to be published.  This was the hardest book so far to write but I can say that I am very happy on how it turned out.  While I'm not supposed to have a favorite character, I can say that Damian has been my favorite since he first popped into my mind. He'll tell you he just walked in and sat in the corner quietly waiting for his chance to be heard but really he ran in waving his arms, screaming, "hey over here.  Write about me. I wanna be in your books."  

He is a sweetheart who's life could have turned out so much differently if fate had been a little kinder to him. For all the pain and suffering he has been through in his short life he has flourished.  Even though he will be in future Destinies book I don't see his story as being over.  I have an idea he may just be a character that deserves a second book all about him and his mates.  Who knows? Anything is possible guess I'll just have to wait and see where the series takes us all.  

With the release of Destiny's Journey I have also been asked to do an interview with  I just completed the interview and submitted it today.  As soon as I know when it will be posted I will be sure to let everyone know.  Until then, if you love men and ManLove be sure to check out the link above for the website. There are lots of interesting interviews and articles there. 


  1. Will there be anymore books in this series? The first 2 were awsome.

  2. Yes Cindy, I have at least two more books planned for this series, maybe more. I'm glad you enjoyed the books so far. Thank you so very much for your support.

  3. When will Destiny's Journey be released on Amazon?

  4. It usually take 2 to 3 weeks from release date. So possibly next week. They usually let me know a few days before and I will post it here when I find out for sure.

  5. Thank you so much. I loved your fist two books and can't wait for more.
